Ubuntu Studio 11.10 UI discussion. GNOME3, Unity, XFCE and Studiousers workflow.
Ricardo Lameiro
ricardolameiro at gmail.com
Sun Apr 10 22:36:44 UTC 2011
I like the idea of a XFCE shift.
I lightweight, unobtrusive and streamlined desktop, but with all the
capabilities needed. Xfce has a big "fan base" and i don't see why
people would oppose the change from Unity / Gnome 3 to XFCE. Both of
this new "shells" rely heavily on 3D rendering technology and demand
more system resources. Resources that a "studio user" needs to do
his/her work.
Cory, there are people like Ricardo LaFuente and Ana Carvalho
(http://blog.manufacturaindependente.org) editors of the Libre
graphics magazine http://libregraphicsmag.com , that maybe would want
to help on the design effort.
2011/4/10 <louiethecuban at gmail.com>:
> I happen to hate the ubuntu netbook gui, the buttons are clunky and get in the way in my opinion. As a producer, I find myself working with tons of files, and, like a desk, I want to be able to visualize those files as simply and easily as possible.
> Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
> -----Original Message-----
> From: C K <coryisatm at gmail.com>
> Sender: ubuntu-studio-devel-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com
> Date: Sun, 10 Apr 2011 17:18:13
> To: Ubuntu Studio Development & Technical Discussion<ubuntu-studio-devel at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Reply-To: Ubuntu Studio Development & Technical Discussion
> <ubuntu-studio-devel at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Subject: Ubuntu Studio 11.10 UI discussion. GNOME3, Unity, XFCE and Studio
> users workflow.
> Hello folks. For folks who don't know me I'm Cory Kontros.
> (launchpad.net/~coryisatm) Former lead on Ubuntu Studio.
> I took a needed break for a bit but have now volunteered to help
> handle Ubuntu Studio's UI layout for the future. (with Scott's
> blessing)
> So lets kick things off. Here's how I see things.
> There's alot of flux going on in computer UI design. GNOME, Canonical
> (w/Unity) and Google (w/Android) all look to be shifting to this
> "single app focus" kinda design. Where visually, you don't see much
> going on but the currently focused app. KDE and OSX are currently the
> most traditional.
> I don't see this fitting for Studio users workflows.
> So, in looking at our options (considering most of our apps are GTK)
> XFCE seems like the best move. I know there are other WM options to
> consider but they all feel weaker in comparison to the XFCE option.
> Xubuntu has done some great work lately. Without seeing it I proposed
> to Scott some options that can very close to what they currently do.
> Xubuntu does: 1 panel across the top and AWN as a launcher on the
> bottom. (http://imagebin.org/146291) I propose simply using Avant
> Window Navigator.
> (http://img705.imageshack.us/img705/6728/screenshotoof.png) It
> currently can handle 90% of what a panel can do. But that 10% is
> important. Namely the absence of a network manager app. I've seen some
> in the past but nothing current.
> A bit radical but its something I hope to prove works nicely with testing.
> Now please feel free to discuss whatever. This is by no means a done
> deal but it is currently the direction agreed upon at the last -dev
> meeting.
> --
> -Cory K.
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