A cool GUI application for conversion of media for mobile devices

Tobiasz Karoń unfa00 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 27 22:38:27 BST 2010


I have tried Transmageddon and some other applications for media transcoding
but I remember I wanted to get MMC again, beacuse only one of those
applications (maybe Arista Transcoder) was able to converted my video to
desired format but it introduces some bad audio distortion. Maybe it has
some poor resampling code or I don't know... I might send you two files
(input and output) I was working on. MMC transcoded the same video without
the sound distortion.

Anyway, I'am gonna try Handbrake, maybe it is even better than MMC :-)

I thank you all for your interest in my question :-)

Best regards!

W dniu 27 września 2010 14:37 użytkownik Scott Lavender <
scottalavender at gmail.com> napisał:

> 2010/9/26 Tobiasz Karoń <unfa00 at gmail.com>
>> Hello there!
>> This is what I found, give it a try:
>> http://www.miksoft.net/mobileMediaConverter.htm
>> http://www.miksoft.net/mobileMediaConverterDown.htm
>> I couldn't find this program in any repository, I think it is worth
>> getting into some Ubuntu repos to be downloadable with package managers.
>> This is a nice functional tool with pretty animated GUI. It is simple to
>> use, but powerful. I tried to do all my jobs with command-line usage of
>> ffmpeg but I failed on some things like mp4 videos with aac sound  - this
>> app does it just like that and it is the only one I found out there that
>> does without any need to hunt for some special packages.
>> It's multiplatform and open source. Ubuntu 32-bit .dep package is there
>> for download. There's no 64-bit one.
>> Would you mind including this tool in next Ubuntu Studio release? That
>> would require to compile it for 64-bit architecture though. I think many
>> people who want to release their videos for in many formats would be happy
>> to see this on board, also those who (like me) just want to grab some videos
>> and watch them on their mobile gear would be happy too :-)
>> Best regards :-)
>> --
>> Tobiasz 'unfa' Karoń
>> --
>> Ubuntu-Studio-devel mailing list
>> Ubuntu-Studio-devel at lists.ubuntu.com
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> Hello Tobiasz,
> There are several aspects about your request that I would like to address.
> The first is that there are other applications already in Ubuntu that most
> likely provide the same functionality, such as Handbrake as Asmo pointed
> out.  I did not read extensively at the website you linked, nor did I test
> the software, so this is presumption on my part, but I would not be
> surprised if Handbrake, which I have tested and used, does not meet your
> expectations and needs.  So my initial suggestion is to try Handbrake, or
> any others that might be suggested.
> The second is the division between getting something into Ubuntu and
> inclusion in Ubuntu Studio, as the two are very distinct, and separate,
> process.  I apologize if you are already aware of this, but I do not want
> you laboring under any misconceptions.
> Any application must go through a process for it to be included in the
> official archives (repositories) in Ubuntu.  This process verifies that the
> applications has been packaged correctly and that it does not contain any
> security concerns, among other considerations.  I should note that packaging
> correctly is rather important, if for no other reason than the application
> can be installed and removed, along with dependencies, properly with a
> package manager.
> After a package is included in (or promoted to) the main archives then two
> important actions can be taken:
>  1.  it can be included in Ubuntu or one of its derivatives in their
> release
>  2.  it can be installed easily by using a Synaptic, the Software Center,
> or with 'sudo apt-get install packagename'
> I do not see it being included in Ubuntu Studio at this time since I do not
> believe there is enough demand for it to warrant inclusion and other
> applications appear to provide the same functionality.  If enough desire for
> such an application, and a documented workflow were to be developed, then we
> could argue the advantages of which program to include.
> Regards,
> ScottL
> --
> Ubuntu-Studio-devel mailing list
> Ubuntu-Studio-devel at lists.ubuntu.com
> Modify settings or unsubscribe at:
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-studio-devel

Tobiasz 'unfa' Karoń
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