Introducing Myself

Scott Lavender scottalavender at
Thu Sep 16 18:13:40 BST 2010

On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 5:58 PM, Benjamin Turner <
passionsplaydesign at> wrote:

Hello everyone!
> My name is Benjamin Turner and I am an artist living and working in
> Portland Oregon.  Much of my focus has been with painting and sculpture, but
> over the last few years I have been getting more involved with digital art
> and web design.
> I recently read the interview on The Fridge with Scott and began snooping
> around the website revamp page.  I'd love to help out where I can.  This
> means that I know a 'bit' of the web development side of things -
> specifically front-end stuff - HTML/CSS, but have more experience with
> general design, layout, color, illustration etc... artsy fartsy stuff.
> Here are some samples of things I have created.  This first link focuses
> more on my 3d ceramic work, while the second is of my webcomic (All
> Inkscape!!)
> Looking forward to helping out!
> -- Benjamin

Hello Benjamin,

I'm glad you would like to help.   I think the most current discussions for
the new website are here:

Feel free to chime in on that thread, especially with any concepts, ideas,
or mock-ups you might have.

I like your artwork in the second link you posted, but I was unable to get
the first link to work.

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