Real-time kernel?

ttoine at ttoine at
Wed Sep 15 18:38:34 BST 2010

Le 14/09/2010 04:38, Chris Jones a écrit :
> I'll be honest here, it's one of the contributing reasons that I don't
> use the Ubuntu Studio, in favor of the vanilla Ubuntu tweaked to my
> preferences instead.
Most users currently install Ubuntu from standard live cd, and then 
install only what they need. I am concerned by audio production and know 
a lot of people using Ubuntu for that, no one use the alternative cd/dvd 
install: it is not user friendly, and install too much stuff. Who need a 
menu full of things he/she will not use ? I am with you, the Ubuntu 
Studio install media is not a priority.
>> Some would also disagree with your about an -rt kernel for video or
>> graphic work.  It has been suggested that the -rt kernel give better
>> responsiveness when working with tablets although I am unaware it this
>> has actually been tested.
Some Video editors have a usefull jackd connection for sound. This is 
the same if you work on a video sound track with Ardour+Xjadeo: you need 
the real time kernel for jackd responsiveness.
> Anyway, since then and only after many years of being stuck dual-booting
> with WinXP, I've migrated all my work as a Photographic and Digital
> Imaging Professional onto the Linux platform. Ubuntu+KDE4.5.
As I am curious and don't know well the photo and graphics part, could 
you tell us wich applications are you usi,g for your professional 
activities with Ubuntu ?
> Somewhere along the line I would like to get back to Ubuntu Studio, but
> not in it's current form. Hence my keen interest in the project as a
> whole.
I agree with on that point: I am not sure that Ubuntu Studio needs to be 
a full distribution. As I have already said, I think Ubuntu Studio 
community would be more useful providing good backports for multimedia 
production, maintain the ubuntu-studio-menu and some other useful 
packages/tools/gui/apps. And have a good and simple website like playdeb 
or getdeb, more documented and in several languages.


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