Tone and helping out.

Cory K. coryisatm at
Wed Sep 1 02:35:10 BST 2010

On 08/31/2010 09:28 PM, Brian David wrote:
> I can tell you from experience that Cory K can come across as a bit blunt,
> but it's nothing to take personally.  It seems all he wants to see is some
> examples of past work, any examples, to gauge what level of technical
> experience you have.  There have been volunteers for this stuff before who
> turned out to basically have no idea what they were talking about, so it's
> not an unreasonable thing to ask.
> As these discussions keep going, remember: tone doesn't translate over the
> Internet.  No one should take offense to anything anyone says, and everyone
> should try to be as clear with their expectations as possible.

(I split things off so as to keep the other thread about the site)

As I'm a person who tends to get to the point, sure, tone is hard to 
convey. This chat in person would be WAAAAYYY different. :)

I also try to use smilies to help with things. :P (look back they're 
there) ;)

This project has always been willing to get new people involved. Hell, 
look @ Scott. But, you *have* to have some aptitude to fill what's 
needed. Sadly, our history is filled will awesome, well-meaning folks 
who just can't do whats needed.

-Cory K.

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