irq priority for firewire device

Gerhard Lang gerhard.lang at
Fri Oct 22 23:44:08 BST 2010

would it be possible to make something like "rtirq" working in a full 
preempt and noticks-disabled vanilla kernel without rt-patching?
As far as I can see adjusting IRQ priorities seems to be essential for 
firewire-audio as long as firewire's IRQ-priority is subordinated at the 
low end by default, and if this could be changed in a user friendly way 
I'd see no more need for rt-patching kernels.
I compared all kernel mods for audio live performance and recording in 
practice, and the only feature I really miss in non-rt-kernels is this 
rtirq thing. But I'm no coder and need guiding hands for understanding 
deeper kernel and os matters, so please bear with me if this idea should 
be foolish, misplaced  or redundant/obsolete.
Best regards Gerhard

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