I would like to join the UbuntuStudio Development team

Alessio Treglia quadrispro at ubuntu.com
Fri Mar 12 12:41:00 GMT 2010

Hello folks,

I didn't find any information about the procedure to become a member
of the UbuntuStudio development team so I don't know if this is the
right way.

Anyway, I'm Alessio, I live in Aprilia, a small city near Rome and I
study Computer Engineering at the University of RomaTre.

I am an Ubuntu MOTU Developer and I also contribute to the Debian
Multimedia Maintainers team as co-maintainer for a number of
audio&video production packages, in particular I focus my attention on
sound synthesis and processing tools like synthesizers (bristol, alsa
modular, ams, ...), filters, samplers, editors (snd, lives, etc) and
Obviously, I try to properly maintain those packages for both Debian
and Ubuntu by uploading new upstreams' stable releases, triaging and
fixing bugs.

So I would like to join the team to empower the connection and improve
the collaboration between Debian's multimedia team and UbuntuStudio
development one.

For more details about mydevelopment activities, please see the following links:


Thank you in advance for taking in consideration this application.

All the best,

Alessio Treglia

Alessio Treglia <quadrispro at ubuntu.com>
Ubuntu MOTU Developer | Homepage: http://www.alessiotreglia.com
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