Ubuntu Studio artwork question

Louie Queral louiethecuban at gmail.com
Wed Jan 20 15:45:45 GMT 2010

Can someone just host a forum that we can easily show off our art on? This
is all quite confusing. I actually have a sever, and am willing to dedicate
it to discussing the art for Ubuntu Studio.

Better yet, we should just make a forum just for Ubuntu Studio since we
don't seem to have a specific place on ubuntu's forums.

On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 10:37 AM, Cory K. <coryisatm at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 01/20/2010 03:30 AM, Brian Shaw wrote:
> >      First off I sincerely apologize for bugging all the Ubuntu Studio
> > devs with such a trivial question, I could not seem to find a way to
> > contact just one person in relation to Ubuntu Studio nor did I find any
> > sort of Studio specific forum to post my question. I am simply wondering
> > what the license is on the main Ubuntu Studio icon. I searched for the
> > icon on the web and downloaded two seemingly different versions and have
> > used them to create my own menu-icons.(the icon shown on the menu in the
> > upper left-hand corner) I would really like to share these on the
> > gnome-look site for others to enjoy but am unsure if it was even legal
> > for me to have edited them in the first place. I attached my creations
> > for you to have a look, please if someone could inform me as to whether
> > it is ok for me to upload these to gnome-look that would be great! Also
> > feel free to use them yourselves if you like them or find any use for
> them.
> >
> This is the correct list for this question. ;)
> The icons are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
> 2.5. So do what you like under that. Be aware, Canonical does own the
> trademark for the logo but is pretty liberal with it's use. (like the
> Ubuntu logo)
> Also, if you do artwork, feel free to show it off and get involved here.
> We ALWAYS need people to work with on art.
> -Cory K.
> --
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