Required Actions from Developer's Meeting 2010-02-10

Scott Lavender scottalavender at
Thu Feb 11 12:39:40 GMT 2010

Here is a list of actions required, grouped by individual, from the Ubuntu
Studio developers meeting on 10th February.

* persia committed to follow up with a few MIR people to facilitate a review
of the JACK MIR
* persia commented that he would reply to rtg about TICKLESS results -
* persia hopes to merge/sync hydrogen by Sunday but needs outcome of
scottl's discussion with Debian Mulitmedia to know which version
* persia agreed to look at them soon
* persia might try to package ingen if he has time (and if stochastic
doesn't get to it)

* stochastic agreed to preemptively prepare patches for packages that depend
on libjack-dev to prepare getting packages in before the FF
* stochastic toyed with the idea of volunteering as the delegate
* stochastic volunteered to handle the qjackctl merge
* stochastic agreed to double checkall required LV2 syncs before FF per the matrix
* stochastic agreed to make any required changes for the remaining three
packages built by falk-t-j
* stochastic commented that he was trying to package ingen
* stochastic is to schedule a meeting for those interested parties in order
to develop a unified direction and/or commitments
* as a forum moderator, stochastic offered to attend the forum meeting to
discuss having a dedicated Ubuntu Studio forum

* abogani should place his -lowlatency kernel in the Ubuntu Studio ppa (<>)
and apparently would keep his -rt kernel in his own ppa

* scottl committed to talking to Debian Multimedia about merging/syncing
* scottl will work on the zynjacku comments
* scottl agreed to inform stochastic of any required changes for the
remaining three packages built by falk-t-j
* scottl to coordinate with jussi about having a dedicated forum (Multimedia
-> Ubuntu Studio) at Ubuntu Forums (need to put in on the forum agenda for
next meeting)

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