Celt Main Inclusion Report

Scott Lavender slavender at consolidated.net
Wed Sep 2 00:26:08 BST 2009


I am forwarding this email per Eric's suggestion to inform the mailing
list about the status of the Celt Main Inclusion Report and the possible
difficulties of getting Celt into the main.

Hopefully we can find some solutions and the MIR can be begun anew.


On Mon, 2009-08-31 at 20:24 -0700, Eric Hedekar wrote:
> Hey Scott,
> Hmm, could you write that up and send it to the UbuntuStudio-devel
> list (you could even just forward this e-mail there if you're
> comfortable with that).  It's something that Luke and others would
> have more to say on than me.  I know Luke (and Daniel Chen) had
> mentioned that it would also be needed to bring Jack into Main.  I was
> merely making the request off-list to keep the noise level down for
> everyone (since it was directed at you and not the whole list), but
> now that there's complications, it's best that all the developers are
> aware of the stumbling blocks.
> Thanks.
> -Eric
> On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 5:31 PM, Scott Lavender
> <slavender at consolidated.net> wrote:
>         On Wed, 2009-08-26 at 17:44 -0700, Eric Hedekar wrote:
>         > Hey Scott,
>         >
>         > You did a nice job on your first main inclusion report, but
>         it has
>         > come to my attention that Celt also needs one before jack is
>         put into
>         > main.  Would you like to jump on this as well, now that you
>         know how
>         > to write one?  Thanks.
>         >
>         > -Eric Hedekar
>         >
>         > --
>         > _______________________________________
>         >     http://greyrockstudio.blogspot.com
>         Eric,
>         I started digging into the Celt MIR and noticed some
>         concerning issues.
>         Notably, the website proclaims:
>                Since CELT is still in development, most new releases
>         (even minor ones)
>         change the bit-stream, so compatibility is not preserved.
>         Also, I found an earlier MIR in Launchpad
>         https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/celt/+bug/388285
>         in which Loic Minier and Steve Kowalik change the bug to
>         invalid since
>         upstream had not yet (and apparently still haven't) finialized
>         the
>         library or the bitstream.
>         In good faith I'm not sure I should be creating an MIR for a
>         software
>         that is self-admittedly is a work in progress without any
>         guarantee for
>         compatibility between releases.
>         At this point I am stopping work on the Celt MIR.
>         Respectfully,
>         Scott
> -- 
> _______________________________________
>     http://greyrockstudio.blogspot.com

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