announcing openArtist linux distribution.

Marc R.J. Brevoort mrjb at
Tue Jun 23 09:22:41 BST 2009

On Thu, 18 Jun 2009, flow space wrote:

> as ubuntu-studio is mainly for the creatives in the audio field,
> [...]
> audio:
> I tried to make things as smooth and easy as possible.
> For every program that needs Jack to run (good),
> qjackctl will start with that program, automatically

Ubuntu Studio serves my purposes (mostly audio) fine,
and I don't think I'll switch distro just yet.
I want to have a certain degree of confidence that I
won't have to switch back a year from now due to the
distro being discontinued.

However, having JACK start automatically (and what about
restoring routing between programs?) would be practical.
Flowspace, it looks like you have a lot of good ideas that
might benefit the UbuntuStudio distro whether you're on
your own team or that of Ubuntustudio. Is there a reason
why you don't/didn't you join the ubuntustudio team? The
answer could be an eye opener!


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