Ubuntu Studio Testers

Asmo Koskinen asmo.koskinen at arkki.info
Tue Jun 2 12:27:22 BST 2009

I'm Asmo Koskinen from Finland. I'm willing to test Ubuntu Studio 9.10.

I can use desktop and laptop machine for that. I have M-Audio Delta 66 
in desktop machine and Echo AudioFire4 for both. I have a firewire DV 
camera, too, for testing video programs like Kino.

I have just build latest rt patched kernel for Ubuntu Studio 9.04. I 
have both Ubuntu Studio 8.04 and 9.04 and they are both x86_64.


My desktop is pure Intel, laptop is Intel/ATI.

Let me know what I can do.

Best Regards Asmo Koskinen.

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