I made a nice new vocoder for Ubuntu Studio

Elie Goldman Smith pistough at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 25 04:03:08 BST 2009

Absolutely, it all works in real-time. I implemented noise removal because the vocoder already splits the signal into narrow frequency bands, so it's no extra work. But in non-vocoder mode, it's just a noise gate.

You can also just use SnoKoder as a general-purpose lightweight vocal recorder. I built-in the other effects because it's more convenient (and efficient) than setting up strings of plugins every time you feel like singing.

Try building and running it - you'll see!

> Date: Mon, 24 Aug 2009 22:18:32 +0200
> From: mrjb at dnd.utwente.nl
> To: ubuntu-studio-devel at lists.ubuntu.com
> Subject: Re: I made a nice new vocoder for Ubuntu Studio
> Hello Elie,
> > I made a little program for real-time vocoded vocals
> > [...] I call my program SnoKoder.
> I'll make sure to check it out- thank you for the effort!
> > I put in quite a few more features:
> > - built-in voice recording
> > - noise removal, DC filter, gain, compressor, and echoes
> > - dry/wet mix option (good for vocal harmonies)
> > - MIDI input (good for live performances)
> > I also plan to add an auto-tuning feature
> Everything and the kitchen sink- many of these will have
> their use as stand-alone plugin. Can the noise 
> removal work in real time?
> Best,
> Marc
> -- 
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