Jaunty beta + RT + Jackd + Ardour, it works ;-D

Cory K. coryisatm at ubuntu.com
Wed Apr 8 17:28:58 BST 2009

laurent.bellegarde wrote:
> Hi again,
> i've done a new reboot, compared hardy's limits.conf to jaunty'one, and so
> hardy'one working :
> @audio          -       rtprio          99
> @audio - memlock 999844
> jaunty'one working but if i launch with sudo
> @audio - memlock 770240
> @audio - rtprio 99
> @audio - nice -10
> so I check ubuntustudio controls, everything is ok, the limits.conf is 
> like the controls in GUI.
> then i have a look to laurent un user, and see that in groups, there was 
> no audio group. I add one, and tick laurent and root as members of this 
> group, i've done a new reboot, and now i can launch qjackctl + ardour on 
> RT without any xruns at 2,9ms latency !!!
> what is surprising is that in hardy, i check audio group presence, 
> there's none !!! but qjackctl is available as none root ???
> But now, I understand why in hardy, changing the size of allowed memory 
> change nothing face to the ardour message which was telling me there was 
> a limit in my system...that's normal, because laurent is not in an audio 
> group, so limits.conf can't work...
> So I can't explain why in same condition hardy settings are working and 
> why jaunty not, but after adding an audio group, and tick your account 
> user in it, a reboot, it works perfectly...
> RT kernel is ok for stable release the 23 of april...

Ok. Thanx for the info. Maybe something can be done before Jaunty
releases. Luke can say definitively.

-Cory K.

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