
ttoine at ttoine at
Sat May 3 16:55:02 BST 2008


Ok, So I'll be there to help you.


> Thanks Luis, the need for this kind of documentation is what drives me,
> explaining the same stuff again and again on IRC just can't be it.
> ttoine, my plan is to provide set of basic first steps to get jack
> running, as this is, from my experience, the most needed thing.
> More in-detail descriptions should be on separate pages, else this
> JackQuickStartTutorial, or however we will call it, will simply become
> too large.
> I plan to keep the jack-settings in the tutorial at a high latency, and
> I think that most cards work with that, but I will of course tell the
> user to experiment and give hints for that, and ask for help on
> creating a database of settings. Team members should also contribute to
> it, since it's not a lot of effort for them (no extra signup needed).
> I appreciate any help on technical details, since there are quite some
> things I don't know, for example if rt should be set if the kernel is
> generic.
> That's all stuff that can be included once the page is there.
> On screen capture:
> Look at,
> it appears to be possible. The code seems to be a simple:
> attachment:TutQjackCtlConnections2.png
> Here's the wikis tutorial page for that stuff:
> I'd like to have a nice name for the page for a start, so we can start
> to work on it together.
> Something similar JackQuickStart would be my choice.
> Also, if you think my idea of the thing is flawed, please criticise now.
> I may or may not start tomorrow, but it would be best if we already
> had that thing up with the release of hardy (I'll base the thing on
> hardy).
> Best Regards,
> 	Philipp

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