Beta approaching: Seed/package review needed.

Cory K. coryisatm at
Wed Mar 12 00:56:34 GMT 2008

Toby Smithe wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 10:19 PM, Luke Yelavich <themuso at> wrote:
>>  To all UbuntuStudio developers!
>>  Beta is next week, and beta freeze is this Thursday. This may not affect universe as much, however we should really be starting to clean up and get things finalized, which means a final seed review, functionality checking, and making sure there are no packages that go on the disks that haven't built for i386, or amd64 for some reason.
>>  If someone is willing to review the seeds and think changes need to be made, plesae contact me or Joe (If he has his bzr issues sorted), and we can make the necessary changes.
> I'd like not to set stuff too in stone until the talk around mscore
> and fluid-soundfont has come to a close after reasonable discussion.

Do you guys think we can do a meeting this Friday to go over the seeds
and commit changes after the meeting based on things discussed?

I actually have one addition. "gimp-data-extras"

I'd like us all to get together look over the lists and brainstorm.
Shouldn't take long.

-Cory \m/

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