Pencil aimed @ 20080702 REVU day

Cory K. coryisatm at
Tue Jun 24 19:37:40 BST 2008

Janne Jokitalo wrote:
> Hey gang,
> due to some inconveniences, I've had to postpone uploading pencil to REVU by a
> week. I do not expect it to take longer than that, but there's been a delay and
> I haven't been able to work on it as much as I anticipated. Still, week
> shouldn't be an issue, I hope.
> I'll also try to dig up what's been happening inside Debian, as I found a .deb
> package that suggested it's already in their version control system. I'll post
> more info on that as soon as I find out more.
> Oh, one more thing I asked on IRC but didn't get a response; what's the version
> that is inclined to be used as base for the package? Source code is readily
> available as a zipball from the authors' website, but newer stuff is in svn.
> Since I myself don't know much about the usage of it, I wonder if there are some
> real advances from using snapshots from the svn repository.


> Cory, you have insight on this?

No. I'll let Luke or Emmet chime in.

-Cory \m/

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