Recruitment effort

Cory K. coryisatm at
Tue Jul 15 16:25:43 BST 2008

Cory K. wrote:
> Ok guys. I wanna get the brainstorming going on a new recruitment campaign.
>     * What do we say?

This I'm still rolling around in my head.

>     * Where do we post?

    * Various mailing lists in the Ubuntu community and multimedia
      mailing lists. LAD, LAU and so forth.
    * Blogs. We need only 1 to hit planet.
    * Forums. With the same coverage as the mailing lists idea.

>     * What positions do we try to fill?

As I see it:

    * Documentation, artwork and, as always, packagers.

>     * What qualities do we look for?

Do we try to require a time commitment? Any experience level?

-Cory \m/

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