Notes from meeting on July 15th 2008

Cory K. coryisatm at
Tue Jul 15 14:49:02 BST 2008

Here's a quick distilled list of decisions/things/whatever from the meeting.

    * Jussi will be reducing his role in the project to only cover
      administration of the mailing lists and IRC channels due to
      personal issues.
    * Joe is contemplating leaving the project for personal reasons.
      Transferring of things under his control are in progress to
      decentralize control.
    * *Anything* created for the running of the project (code, bots,
      website, what have you) will be put in a BZR branch and *must* be
      under a open license. This was decided for redundancies sake.
    * The IRC channels (#ubuntustudio #ubuntustudio-devel) are moving to
      IRC council control to bring us more in-line with the rest of
      Ubuntu and reduce/spread maintenance duties.
    * A new recruitment campaign is in the planning stages. Expect a
      email soon looking for proposals.
    * Pencil and Rakarrack are coming along. Superlooper will need a
      hand from someone.
    * We're waiting to hear from Alessio as far as kernel status goes.
    * The art for Intrepid is very slow going but Cory has ideas.
      Intrepid will only receive theme fixes and only new GDM/wallpaper.

This is about where we stand. Temp log up here: I'll get it up in a better spot ASAP.
(wiki is being a pain)

-Cory K.

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