next meeting: topics? date?

Luis de Bethencourt luisbg at
Sun Jul 13 20:43:09 BST 2008

On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 2:32 PM, Cory K. <coryisatm at> wrote:
> The next Ubuntu Studio Devel team meeting will be: Monday the 14th at
> 20:00 UTC.
> Joe, Jussi, Luis and myself *must* attend.
> Topics:
>    * Openness of our systems/resources
>    * Moving the channels to Ubuntu IRC counsel control
>    * Package status
>    * Recruitment Campaign
>    * Support on #ubuntustudio
>    * Status of various new packages and artwork
> -Cory \m/

Hey guys.

I am for a few days back in the Canary Islands, and I have been
informed today about a family event I should attend Monday night, at
9.00 pm. So this would make my attendance very short if the meeting is
as 8.00 pm.

Is it a problem for anyone making the meeting earlier?
Something like 6:30 pm. (an hour and a half earlier).

Please comment, accept or deny. Sorry for asking with so little time
until the meeting.

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Luis de Bethencourt Guimerá
<luisbg at>
GPG: B0ED1326

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