Status of my involvement and contributions to the UbuntuStudio Project.

Luke Yelavich themuso at
Wed Jan 30 04:29:34 GMT 2008

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Greetings all
I would like to update you all on where I stand with regards to the Ubuntu Studio project. For those of you who don't know, I have recently been employed by Canonical, and will be working as a member of the platform team, a team which is responsible for the core of all Ubuntu flavours, including Ubuntu Studio.

I am lucky enough to have Colin Watson as my manager, so there is likely going to be a little room to move in terms of helping derivatives such as Ubuntu Studio, however, the bulk of my work hours will be taken up by general Ubuntu work. I'm going to help out where I can with the audio stack, including doing what I can for pro audio users, but I will have other work as well.

However, I do still plan to give some time out of work hours to help with Ubuntu Studio. This is likely going to be on a weekend, for a certain number of hours, either on one weekend day, or spread over the two.

So if there are any tasks that need doing, feel free to let me know whenever you can, and I'll collect them, and make a list of things that need doing, and I'll do my best to get them done the next time I do UbuntuStudio work. This may be during work hours, depending on what work I have currently, and it may not, but I will get it done.
- -- 
Luke Yelavich
GPG key: 0xD06320CE 
Email & MSN: themuso at
Jabber: themuso at
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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