
Cory K. coryisatm at
Tue Jan 29 21:51:25 GMT 2008

Haig Dedeyan wrote:
> Not user friendly enough for the newbies.
>  From the main ubuntu studio site, I click on support, then click on the 
> link to ubuntu forums and then am presented with 37 forum links ( 
> ) to which there is no mention of ubuntu 
> studio. Right here, most newbies will quit.

As most of the problems we get really are general Ubuntu questions (I
can't tell you how many times we get questions about "How do I install
my video drivers") the forums are fine and will remain our official forum.

Because not every Ubuntu Studio users question will be appropriate for
it we link strait to the main forum. For specific production questions
the "Multimedia Production"
( section is there.

I must also note, that Ubuntu Studio was never intended for linux
"newbies". Our own forum would be littered with the same redundant
questions as 1000 other forums. Since we do realize "new to linux"
people would try Ubuntu Studio and the current Ubuntu Forums is a wealth
of knowledge, it was decided it's the best place and would cut down on
said redundancy.

This was also a question of maintenance but staying within the existing
community is the best reason now.

I can add another link on the site directly to the "Multimedia
Production" section and note that its for specific A/V production questions.

>>>  From my point of view, perhaps non dev people can volunteer & maintain 
>>> this site:
>>> Suggestions:
>>> - Forums should be on that site and specific to Ubuntu Studio rather 
>>> than having people goto the generic ubuntu forums
>> This would fragment us from the larger Ubuntu community. It was debated
>> in a very wide way on other lists and forums themselves. The forums
>> wanted is there so it was decided.
>> And splitting off goes against your "1 stop shop" idea. :P
> Not really. Studio should be concerned about a 1 stop solution shop for 
> problems specific to Studio. Using the generic ubuntu forums just 
> doesn't cut it imho.

Ok. :) We disagree and rather keep in with the existing, overall community.

> Another advantage of having studio specific forums would be to give you 
> devs stats on what aspect of Studio people are having most issues with, 
> hence, let you prioritize your resources more effectively.

We already have the sources for this. You're on one of them. :P

>> What you describe is what the Ubuntu Doc team does. Most people just
>> can't be bothered. If you would like to do documentation thats great.
>> Contact mgunes on IRC or 23meg on the Ubuntu Forums (same guy). He has
>> just come on to help organize our Doc team.
>> The Wiki should have links to everything you need to help out if you
>> want to. Just takes reading. Ask if you need to.
>> -Cory
> ok, I'll make my suggestions to the devel mailing list. I don't mind 
> doing docs as long as it won't be buried on other sites and not 
> available on the studio site.
> Haig

Sure. My next reply will only go there as well.

The feeling I get from your posts is you don't care about working within
an existing community and would rather have things somewhere else. In
the end, you're welcome to put things where you want.

If you want to work with us the official place for documentation will
be: and I've given you the name of
our Doc guy. Or hit _MMA_, luisbg or jussi01 up on IRC.


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