Serious help is needed with debugging what wrong with our system sounds.

Janne Jokitalo astraljava at
Tue Jan 22 05:29:25 GMT 2008

Cory K. wrote:
> Ok. After some going back and fourth with seb128 and some help with
> crimsun I got the login/out sounds working in Ubuntu-hardy again but not
> in Ubuntu Studio for some reason. The rest of the system sounds work but
> not the sounds at GDM or Login/out.

Can you post the steps taken to get them working again in Hardy?

> When running gnome-sound-properties and rapidly trying to play the
> sounds I will hit a caching error.


> So we need help to get this sorted out.

I'll lend a hand where needed. Don't know where to start, though. But I'll
look into it this evening after work and construction meeting. :)


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