Where we are now. (As of Feb. 5th 2008)

Cory K. coryisatm at nc.rr.com
Tue Feb 5 22:06:20 GMT 2008

Cory K. wrote:
> Update from the meeting on Jan 6th 2008.
>>>  * alsa-firmware (get into restricted modules) - (tsmthe)
>> No change in status.

Toby cannot get alsa-firmware into LRM so we need to see if we can ship
it from Multiverse.

>>>  * gigedit - (AstralJava) 
>> Need update in status.
> AstralJava should start work on this soon.

AJ should be filing a sync soon as this has made it into Debian.

>>> 8) Edit meta descriptions to fix how they are displayed in our Tasksel
>>> options. (Will need testing. Revert if it doesnt work.)
>> Not implemented yet.
> Not implemented. Joe should be working on this with Luke.

Still needs done.

>>> **OTHER**
>>> 1) "Review video editors to possibly move from PiTiVi." (rexbron will be
>>> gathering intel)
>> Work is progressing.
> KDEnlive and Open Movie Editor look to be the contenders here. We will
> be evaluating them during the Hardy dev cycle to see which has the
> better base.
> Interesting development. See last comment. https://launchpad.net/bugs/105907

Open Movie Editor has replaced PiTiVi in Ubuntu Studio.

I will note that there is a big push for Cinelerra 3. Anyone interested
please join the Cinelerra ML.

> New Items:
> * Rosegarden and Scribbus have icons in the wrong sections. - This was
> fixed with a new upload to -menu.
> * Scribbus is missing it's icon. - Cory is looking into this.
> * Brasero will replace K3B in Hardy for now. - It will need testing to
> see how it fits in with what we do.

All done.

> * ALSA-firmware still needs work - Toby needs to step up the work and
> ask for help if need be. This _NEEDS_ to be in Hardy.

Looks like getting this into l-r-m wont happen. Can it be shipped by
default as its a Multiverse package?

> * Joe will take over handling the seeds from Luke. - This is an
> important job and must be taken seriously.

Joe has taken over and looks to be doing a fine job. There are some
concerns over methodology last I heard. Still true?

> * Ubuntustudio-controls is progressing and will need testing in the next
> 2 weeks. We will be pushing the .10 release to the archive soon.

Happening now.

Seems like it all. I have created a page on the wiki to better scratch
off and track these issues. 

-Cory \m/

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