Ubuntu 8.04 release notes and translations.

Burobjorn burobjorn at gmail.com
Thu Apr 24 16:00:32 BST 2008

Working on the Dutch translation right now...


met vriendelijke groet,
Bjorn Wijers

* b u r o b j o r n .nl *
digitaal vakmanschap | digital craftsmanship

Concordiastraat 68-126
3551 EM Utrecht
The Netherlands

phone: +31 30 2444 101

Sergio Bello wrote:
> On Thu, 2008-04-24 at 10:18 -0400, Cory K. wrote:
>> Any new translations please wrap the text at 80 characters. I'll fix up
>> the "es" and "it" notes myself.
> Uh? 'it' was indeed wrapped at 80 chars...
> Something wrong with the attachment?
> Sergio

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