Ubuntu Studio 8.04 release notes and translations.

hollunder at gmx.at hollunder at gmx.at
Thu Apr 24 00:49:20 BST 2008

On Wed, 23 Apr 2008 14:23:03 -0400
"Cory K." <coryisatm at ubuntu.com> wrote:

> * Added "Studio" to the title.
> Sergio Bello wrote:
> > Hi all.
> >
> > In attach a 1st draft of the Italian (it) version of the release notes.
> >
> > I'm not sure, but should the text be pure ASCII (e.g.: "è"
> > translitterated to "e'") or can it be UTF-8? If it goes for ASCII I'll
> > eventually replace à/è/ì/ò/ù occurrences.
> >
> > If some other Italian speaking guy can review the text, I'll be pleased.
> >
> > Sergio
> >   
> Awesome. When someone else gives it a +1 I'll save it to put on the site.
> - Cory. \m/

I just put a lot of blood, sweat and tears into writing German release notes.
Nevertheless I'd really like it if someone could look them over, fix errors and
exchange inappropriate words with something else.
My main problem with English-German translation is that I often don't know what
the widely used German equivalent to English words is. It's pretty complicated
for me, because the German words are mostly half-English and I'm used to the
real English variant.
Another problem is that my spelling and grammar is less than perfect.

I hope it helps anyway.

Best Regards,
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