introduction and question regarding customization of Ubuntustudio live DVD
Cory K.
coryisatm at
Sat Apr 12 14:27:52 BST 2008
Burobjorn wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> My name is Bjorn Wijers. I would like to introduce myself and ask some
> questions regarding customizations of the Ubuntu Studio (live) DVD.
> I'm involved with Creative Commons Netherlands[1] and one of the
> founders of Stichting Open Media[2] which is a Dutch foundation that
> aims to share knowledge about creativity. At the moment we have been
> working on two projects: Simuze[3] - a site to legally share music under
> a CC license - and Netcultuur[4] - a Dutch language netzine focussed on
> the increasing digitalization of our society and the positive/negative
> effects-. Besides this I'm earning my livelihood by creating and
> customizing open source software (mostly in the context of
> webapplications) as freelancer under the name burobjorn[5].
> At this moment I'm talking with various Dutch open oriented
> organizations about the creation of localized Ubuntu Studio based Live
> DVDs filled with open content similar to the Creative Commons Live
> Content 2.0 DVD (based on Fedora)[6] aimed at creators.
> The reason for this is to show creative people the potential of Free,
> Open Source Software (more specifically: Ubuntu Studio) by extending the
> current (great!) work with examples and samples of open content music,
> samples, books, howto's etc etc. Personally I really liked the CC live
> Content 2.0 DVD except for the fact that it is based on Fedora and not
> on a more creatives focussed distro. Since Ubuntu Studio does this its a
> no-brainer to use Ubuntu Studio as a base instead.
> I'm really curious what you think of this (admittedly still rough) plan
> and I have some more specific questions:
Ubuntu Studio, as a project has no current plans to produce or support a
live disk of any sort. (we really need a wiki page to reference this
because of the frequency of the question)
3 reasons:
* It would mean 2 additional disks to support. (in various ways)
* More space on Canonical and mirror servers are taken up.
* We don't believe a live system provides the best latency timings
and can tend to make audio demoing look poor.
> First of all, is there an interest in extending the Ubuntu Studio DVD
> with open content?
It would need some lengthy discussion as to if it would be done by default.
Things to be considered:
* Size
* License
* Type (ie: stuff for audio, video or graphics?)
* Work involved to package and best way ti deliver it. (ie repo or
on disk?)
> If so, what would be the best way to approach this
> from a technical perspective: is there already a build system that we
> can built upon and add for instance auto-curation?
No. Not other than our standard packaging system. This could be handled
through BZR which would make the package easier to manage and integrate
with Ubuntu. This would still require some initial setup/packaging work.
> I'm really curious to thoughts, remarks and questions regarding this
> idea. Thanks for reading this rather lengthy message :)
Sounds like a fun idea. Will just need someone with a plan and time to
manage it to get it done. :)
-Cory K. \m/
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