no in Ubuntu Hardy?

Richard Spindler oracle at
Mon Apr 7 12:54:48 BST 2008

Am Montag, den 07.04.2008, 13:52 +0200 schrieb Richard Spindler:
> Am Montag, den 07.04.2008, 12:45 +0100 schrieb Toby Smithe:
> > This is a great idea, but subject to the caveat I described above, the
> > only solution would be to have two copies of the alsa-plugins source
> > in Ubuntu - one in main, and providing most plug-ins, and the other in
> > universe, providing only those that require universe
> > build-dependencies (ie, jack). This is not really desirable, but if
> > you wish to pursue it, the place to do that would be
> I don't think its necessary to have two copies of that package, but two
> _different_ packages that complement each other.

Ups, okay, I see what you mean, you were talking about the source, not
the binary packages. Sorry, got that mixed up. ;-)


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