Thoughts for default Hardy UI. (.deb included)

Cory K. coryisatm at
Wed Nov 21 02:30:42 GMT 2007

Hi guys. Luke has whipped up a new -default-settings package for Hardy
to test.


I have had this idea on the wiki since 09-25-2007 so nobody say they
didn't know. ;)

I like the simple panel. Keep in mind that things are there that I feel
will be used on a daily basis. Things that people tend to set once and
forget aren't there.

Also think about who our target audience is. People who have experience
with linux and multimedia production on it. So not having every option
under the sun, or things that are for normal desktops, shouldn't be a issue.

The "Main Menu" was used rather than the "Menu Bar" to help with using 1
panel on smaller screens.

I also want feedback as to what we should have on the desktop. No icons?
Only volumes? Like the screenshot?

-Cory \m/

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