MIDI server not set up by default in Ubuntu Studio - why?

Grzegorz Galezowski spectral at op.pl
Tue May 22 18:29:47 BST 2007

What I've been wondering about for few past days was why the timidity 
server isn't set up to work out-of-the-box. In my case, I couldn't get 
midi playback from Muse and Vkeybd which are installed by default in 
Ubuntu Studio. In order to get some sound, I had to tweak 
/etc/default/timidity and /etc/modules as shown here:


So my question is - are there any reasons why timidity server can't work 
out-of-the-box in future Ubuntu Studio releases? It seems kinda weird 
that I can't use default-installed apps after just installing the system 
(I have Ubuntu Studio installed on two computers so it's not a "there 
must be something wrong with your sound card" issue).


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