[Bug 1422811] [NEW] Sync wmfsm 0.35-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)

Launchpad Bug Tracker 1422811 at bugs.launchpad.net
Tue Feb 17 16:55:41 UTC 2015

You have been subscribed to a public bug by Doug Torrance (profzoom):

Please sync wmfsm 0.35-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)

All changelog entries:

wmfsm (0.35-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release.
  * New maintainer (Closes: #776014).
  * debian/compat
    - Bump to 9.
  * debian/control
    - Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.6.
    - Bump versioned dependency on debhelper to >=9.
    - Add Homepage and Vcs-*.
    - Remove unnecessary Build-Depend x11proto-core-dev.
    - Replace autotools-dev with dh-autoreconf in Build-Depends.
  * debian/copyright
    - Add DEP5 header, debian/*, and wmgeneral/* sections.
  * debian/docs
    - Add AUTHORS.
  * debian/patches
    - (handle_HOME_errors.patch) Avoid errors related to HOME environment
  * debian/rules
    - Update to use dh with dh_autoreconf.
    - Add get-orig-source target.
  * debian/source/format
    - New file; use 3.0 (quilt).
  * debian/watch
    - New file.

 -- Doug Torrance <dtorrance at monmouthcollege.edu>  Thu, 22 Jan 2015
14:47:21 -0600

wmfsm (0.34-13) unstable; urgency=low

  * QA upload.
  * Replace deprecated build-dependency on x-dev with x11proto-core-dev
    (Closes: #515405).
  * Add ${misc:Depends} substvar to binary package.
  * Use "Applications/System/Administration" menu section instead of
  * debian/rules
    - Don't ignore errors in clean target.
    - Don't use deprecated "dh_clean -k".
  * Update debian/copyright.
  * Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.2.
  * Move to debhelper 7.

 -- Chris Lamb <lamby at debian.org>  Tue, 28 Jul 2009 15:18:19 +0200

wmfsm (0.34-12) unstable; urgency=low

  * Orphan: set maintainer to QA.

 -- Arthur Korn <arthur at debian.org>  Mon, 24 Nov 2008 19:39:17 +0100

wmfsm (0.34-11) unstable; urgency=low

  * Update Standards-Version to without changes.

 -- Arthur Korn <arthur at debian.org>  Mon, 12 Feb 2007 21:22:47 +0100

wmfsm (0.34-10) unstable; urgency=low

  * configure: Rebuild with autoconf 2.59a-7 to fix tests for X11
    libraries (Closes: #347639, #346889).

 -- Arthur Korn <arthur at debian.org>  Sat, 14 Jan 2006 15:40:46 +0100

wmfsm (0.34-9) unstable; urgency=low

  * control: Replace build-dependency on xlibs-dev by detailed
    build-dependencies according to the xlibs-split tool
    (Closes: #346889).

 -- Arthur Korn <arthur at debian.org>  Mon,  9 Jan 2006 19:31:15 +0100

wmfsm (0.34-8) unstable; urgency=low

  * rules: Fix timestamps of various autoconfig related files to
    avoid unnecessary rebuild (and the dependency on autoconf)
    (Closes: #321011).

 -- Arthur Korn <arthur at debian.org>  Wed,  3 Aug 2005 01:02:58 +0200

wmfsm (0.34-7) unstable; urgency=low

  * Remove build dependency on automake1.6
  * Add build dependency on autotools-dev and no update config.{sub,guess} in
    clean target, correctly call ./configure.
  * Bump Standards-Version to without changes.
  * Update to debhelper compat level 4 with minor changes.
  * docs: Remove NEWS (that file is empty?!) and TODO (out of date).

 -- Arthur Korn <arthur at debian.org>  Sun, 31 Jul 2005 23:48:07 +0200

wmfsm (0.34-6) unstable; urgency=low

  * Fix filesystem name corruption. Thanks to Ralf Horstmann and Cristian
    Ionescu-Idbohrn for the patch.

 -- Arthur Korn <arthur at korn.ch>  Wed, 25 Aug 2004 01:29:58 +0200

wmfsm (0.34-5) unstable; urgency=low

  * wmfsm.sample: Adapt to the wealth of pseudo-fs in current linux
    systems (Closes: #226298).
  * Remove debian/watch, upstream's dead.
  * wmfsm.1: Make a point on the strictness of wmfsmrc format (Closes: #226274).
  * Memleak news: avoid it if there are more than 9 filesystems too.
  * Bumpt to Standards-Version without changes.

 -- Arthur Korn <arthur at korn.ch>  Wed, 17 Mar 2004 13:04:33 +0100

wmfsm (0.34-4) unstable; urgency=low

  * Fix memleak introduced in 0.34-2 with the patch by Timo Benk.
    global char *mp[] was assigned the result of stdup() repeatedly
    without free. My ugly fix is to free it all up at the beginning of
    readFileSystems(). Now I'm a proud Perl coder ... (Closes: #196057).

 -- Arthur Korn <arthur at korn.ch>  Wed,  2 Jul 2003 23:05:21 +0200

wmfsm (0.34-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * Run aclocal and update config.sub and config.guess
    (Closes: #174686, #187602).

 -- Arthur Korn <arthur at korn.ch>  Wed,  2 Jul 2003 23:04:55 +0200

wmfsm (0.34-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Add Build-Depends on automake1.6 (Closes: #175082).
  * Update config.{sub,guess} from autotools-dev.
  * Apply patch by Timo Benk that makes wmfsm reread the filesystems list
    during its life (Closes: #186826).

 -- Arthur Korn <arthur at korn.ch>  Tue,  1 Apr 2003 11:25:11 +0200

wmfsm (0.34-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.
  * rules: New DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS syntax.
  * Bump Standards-Version to 3.5.8.
  * Build upstream changelog by concatenating Changelog{,.old}.

 -- Arthur Korn <arthur at korn.ch>  Tue, 17 Dec 2002 11:10:00 +0100

wmfsm (0.33-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Correct spelling error in description (Closes: #125491).

 -- Arthur Korn <arthur at korn.ch>  Tue, 18 Dec 2001 22:13:56 +0100

wmfsm (0.33-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.
    - autoconf

 -- Arthur Korn <arthur at korn.ch>  Sat, 20 Jan 2001 16:06:04 +0100

wmfsm (0.31-9) unstable; urgency=low

  * Add menu hints.

 -- Arthur Korn <arthur at korn.ch>  Sun, 14 Jan 2001 17:06:04 +0100

wmfsm (0.31-8) unstable; urgency=low

  * Adapt Build-Depends to new libs (see changelog of last version).

 -- Arthur Korn <arthur at korn.ch>  Sat, 18 Nov 2000 21:42:29 +0100

wmfsm (0.31-7) unstable; urgency=low

  * Recompile without libc5 dependency (libxpm4.7) (Closes: #77277).

 -- Arthur Korn <arthur at korn.ch>  Fri, 17 Nov 2000 22:25:44 +0100

wmfsm (0.31-6) unstable; urgency=low

  * control: Change maintainer address to arthur at debian.org.
  * This time including full source in upload.

 -- Arthur Korn <arthur at korn.ch>  Wed, 15 Nov 2000 20:36:47 +0100

wmfsm (0.31-5) unstable; urgency=low

  * wmfsm.1: Write a manpage.
  * control: Change section to utils.

 -- Arthur Korn <arthur at korn.ch>  Sun,  8 Oct 2000 10:43:21 +0200

wmfsm (0.31-4) unstable; urgency=low

  * rules: Evaluate DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS now.
  * rules: Install into /usr/bin, not /usr/X11R6/bin.
  * undocumented: Change section from 1x to 1.
  * menu: /usr/bin/X11/wmnd -> /usr/bin/wmnd.

 -- Arthur Korn <arthur at korn.ch>  Wed,  4 Oct 2000 13:24:02 +0200

wmfsm (0.31-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * rules: Now build with -Wall -g -O2

 -- Arthur Korn <arthur at korn.ch>  Sat, 29 Jul 2000 17:11:56 +0200

wmfsm (0.31-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Make the debianisation diff only contain debian/*.
  * control: make the description more verbose.

 -- Arthur Korn <arthur at korn.ch>  Fri, 14 Jul 2000 22:40:09 +0200

wmfsm (0.31-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Initial release.

 -- Arthur Korn <arthur at korn.ch>  Tue, 11 Jul 2000 22:58:37 +0200

** Affects: ubuntu
     Importance: Undecided
         Status: New

Sync wmfsm 0.35-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)
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