Information on

Mattias Ellert mattias.ellert at
Fri Oct 28 11:39:18 UTC 2011

tor 2011-10-27 klockan 00:26 +0200 skrev Jordi Ferrando Fabra:
> Hi Mattias,
> We have tried to deploy an ubuntu oneric ocelot 11.10 x86/64 server with 
> a company developed industrial gsoap application that worked fine under 
> the ubuntu 11.04 i386 server. Now it does not work, and googling I have 
> found this bug report and you as the maintainer.
> Nevertheless, the fix does not seem to be on the ubuntu repositories yet.
> Do you know when it will be available?
> Sorry for my ignorance, I am not familiar with the way and time this bug 
> fixes need to wait until they are generally available.
> Thank-you very much for reading this and my apologies for taking some of 
> your time.
> Best regards,


Thank you for your e-mail.

I don't know when the fix will become available. This is only the second
fix I submit to Ubuntu, and the first one is also still pending, so I
don't have that much experience to compare with.

As far as I know I have done everything I am supposed to do, but since I
am new at submitting fixes to Ubuntu I might have missed some important
detail. If I read the documentation right, the patch should be picked up
by the Ubuntu sponsor team after the bug report in launchpad has been
subscribed to them. This subscription happened automatically when the
debdiff file was attached to the report.

Maybe you can influence the priorities of the sponsor team by adding
yourself to the "Does this bug affect you?" link in the launchpad bug.


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