[Merge] lp:~cairo-dock-team/ubuntu/oneiric/cairo-dock-plug-ins/2.4.0-0beta2 into lp:ubuntu/cairo-dock-plug-ins

Matthieu Baerts matttbe at gmail.com
Tue Aug 9 20:08:00 UTC 2011

Matthieu Baerts has proposed merging lp:~cairo-dock-team/ubuntu/oneiric/cairo-dock-plug-ins/2.4.0-0beta2 into lp:ubuntu/cairo-dock-plug-ins.

Requested reviews:
  Ubuntu Sponsors Team (ubuntu-sponsors)
Related bugs:
  Bug #811579 in cairo-dock-plug-ins (Ubuntu): "dependancy issues (cairo-dock-plug-ins and libindicator3)"
  Bug #823514 in cairo-dock-plug-ins (Ubuntu): "Please update Cairo-Dock Plug-Ins to 2.4.0~0beta2 version (before the FF)"

For more details, see:


The Cairo-Dock team proposes a new version of its Cairo-Dock package.

This is the Upstream (short) ChangeLog:
 * Upstream (short) ChangeLog:
   - A new Help applet has been added to help our beloved user.
   - Improved integration in the XFCE and LXDE desktop.
   - Improved the classifying of our files in the source code
      and in share/cairo-dock directory.
   - Launchers and applications now uses the linked .desktop file.
   - Fixed a few bugs as usual

Please note that this new version fixes also this bug #811579 (Cairo-Dock Plug-Ins needs to be recompiled to fix a dependency issues).
**We are currently not able to install cairo-dock-plug-ins packages due to this problem.**

This branch should be ready to be pushed on lp:ubuntu/cairo-dock-plug-ins (except the UNRELEASED version in debian/changelog)

Please upload this version before the FF.

Thank you for your help

PS: Don't forget to upload these plug-ins AND Cairo-Dock ( LP: #823513 )
PS²: is it possible to wait for 15-30 min in order to compile this cairo-dock-plug-ins package with the new cairo-dock (core) packages.
The attached diff has been truncated due to its size.
Your team Ubuntu Sponsors Team is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~cairo-dock-team/ubuntu/oneiric/cairo-dock-plug-ins/2.4.0-0beta2 into lp:ubuntu/cairo-dock-plug-ins.
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