Need sponsors to upload new Zope packages

Tom Hoffman tom.hoffman at
Thu Sep 2 16:09:47 BST 2010

On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 4:45 AM, Matthias Klose <doko at> wrote:

yes, and we did discuss the lateness of these packages as well at the last
> UDS, and how schooltool did fail to get included in lucid.  So in the end
> not much did change for maverick.  How can this be done better in the
> future?

Hi Matthias,

This has been the source of much consternation for me as project manager.
 The one thing I did wrong was lose track of the feature freeze date -- I
was trusting Gediminas to keep track of that, and the main low-tech fix is
for me to write on my calendar "X WEEKS UNTIL FEATURE FREEZE" counting back
from the Natty freeze date.

On Gediminas's end, I think he was just overwhelmed by the sheer number of
packages and the Zope community's tendency to constantly fiddle with them.
 Had I marked my calendar correctly this time, the only difference is that
two months ago I would have started typing in IRC "NO NO NO STOP STOP STOP
UPLOAD WHATEVER YOU HAVE NOW NOW NOW" while Gediminas continued to patiently
try to perfectly line up all his interdependent ducks.

> I don't mind giving freeze exceptions for these packages, schooltool at
> least is the only user of these.  But at the same time it would be good if
> schooltool could respect the release schedule as other packages do, it
> creates more work for everybody to handle freeze exceptions.

My understanding of the situation is that this will be much more manageable
once we don't have to deal with all these packages at the same time.  Given
the pace of change in the Zope world now (lots of shuffling, but nothing
earth-shattering), I don't forsee any Zope package within the next six
months that can't simply be deferred to the next release if we run out of
time.  And I'll keep SchoolTool on schedule.

If you can give exceptions to these packages, we'll appreciate it.  If not,
we understand and will get them into Natty at the earliest possible moment.


Tom Hoffman
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