<div dir="ltr"><h1>Nowres</h1><h2>Contact information</h2>name: Nowres Rafed<br>email: <a href="mailto:nss.zpeester@gmail.com" target="_blank">nss.zpeester@gmail.com</a><br>IRC
nick: nss<br>Launchpad ID: <a href="mailto:nss.zpeedzter@gmail.com" target="_blank">nss.zpeedzter@gmail.com</a><br>
Skype username: nowres29<br>High School: Ecole Marocaine des Sciences de
l'Ingénieur (EMSI)<br>Major: 2nd year, 1st rank.<br><br><h2>Project</h2>Project
Name: Arabic Package Optimization<br><br>Project Description: Improving
support for Arabic language in Ubuntu by giving more comprehensible<br>
Interface words to arab users.<br><br>If you would be willing and able
to do other projects instead, which
ones?<br>I will work on chat programs (empathy or pidgin) to improve
support for some agents like yahoo.<br><br>Why did you like this idea? <br>I
like this idea because it makes my favorite OS more user-friendly.<br><br>
Project architecture:<br>writing a list of synonyms which are the most
meaningful.<br>make these words in files and integrate them with ubuntu
so that it can load all this synonyms and match them.<br><br>Benefits:<br>This
will help using ubuntu in a wider range of community.<br>
I'm arab and I'm a good arabinc speaker, the language pack currently
provided with ubuntu is not interesting at all<br>when i tried to switch
ubuntu to arabic i wasn't able to understand many things and i became
confused so i switched back<br>
to the english interface.<br><br><h2>Open Source</h2>it's my first
OpenSource Project.<br><br><h2>Availability</h2>This project will take
from 15 days to 20 days.<br>I can begin at the begining of this summer.<br>I
expect affording 17 hours/week for this project.<br>
In summer I'll be based in Morocco almost of the time.<br>I have some
studies in this summer + work.<br><h2>Other</h2><p>
</p><ul><li>Have you ever participated in a previous GSoC? == NO<br></li><li>Have
you applied for any other 2010 Summer of Code projects? If yes,
which ones? == NO<br></li><li>Why did you apply for the Google Summer
of Code ? == To have new experience<br></li><li>Why did you choose
Ubuntu as a mentoring organisation? == because Ubuntu is my favorite OS<br></li><li>
Why do you want to participate and why should Ubuntu choose you? ==
Ubuntu is what i see in my computer almost of
the time. so i wanted my special touch. I have important knowledge in C
programming. I program in PHP, ECMAScript. I know XML. I'm a magento
ecommerce application professional. I'm currently the technical
responsable for Aswaak.ma (ecommerce site). I created my own file
compression library. I have knowledge in 3D programming (openGL) and
some SDL. I wrote some poems in arabic and I'm good at arabic (writing +
speaking). I was classed 1st of the wave in my first year. and I hate
microsoft so much :D. <br>