<div>Hey, all,<br><br></div><div>I'm a third year computer science student poking around on GSOC ideas. I asked about the state of clipboard support in the xorg project, and got a very useful overview of how X handles it: <a href="http://pastebin.com/1n4mRck8" target="_blank">http://pastebin.com/1n4mRck8</a>. It sounds like it wouldn't be appropriate to make any change to X in fixing clipboard management issues. The xorg devs seem to think it'd be appropriate to eliminate the pointer to xorg in the description <a href="https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GoogleSoC2010/Ideas">https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GoogleSoC2010/Ideas</a>, too.<br>
<div>Combining that with James' comment, it looks like the most obvious way to tackle this task would be per-application. If that isn't a big enough job, perhaps David Bensimon could combine it with another grab bag idea he's mentoring such as the nautilus improvements one, or with other one hundred paper cuts style usability issues <a href="https://bugs.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts" target="_blank">https://bugs.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts</a><br>
<br>Does that sound like a reasonable modification to the idea? <br><br></div><div>Thanks<br>-Sarah Strong<br></div>