GCI 2016 Ideas

Diego Turcios diegoturciostc at gmail.com
Tue Nov 1 15:08:50 UTC 2016

Hi to all, sorry wrong link:


2016-11-01 9:06 GMT-06:00 Manish Bisht <manish.bisht490 at gmail.com>:

> How to add them in the wiki ? There is no list of ideas present on the
> link: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GoogleCodeIn2016
> Manish Bisht
> Email : hi at manishbisht.me
> Website : https://manishbisht.me
> On Tue, Nov 1, 2016 at 8:31 PM, Diego Turcios <diegoturciostc at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Thanks to all, if you could please help us adding the task to the wiki:
>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GoogleCodeIn2016
>> 2016-11-01 8:33 GMT-06:00 José Antonio Rey <jose at ubuntu.com>:
>>> Please, make sure that all the tasks you propose are not of a subjective
>>> nature. These are difficult to evaluate when turned in and complicate
>>> things even further.
>>> Jose
>>> On Tue, Nov 1, 2016, 09:29 Walter Lapchynski <bikefridaywalter at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Bug triage.
>>>> Write a blog discussing the benefits of Ubuntu or some technology
>>>> therein (Snappy packaging would be really good)
>>>> Documentation, perhaps.
>>>> On Nov 1, 2016 7:05 AM, "Manish Bisht" <manish.bisht490 at gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> 1. Host a Ubuntu meetup in your school or any place with at least 10
>>>> peoples.
>>>> 2. Attend an Ubuntu meetup / LoCo event.
>>>> 3. Make a Video showing benefits of using Ubuntu over Windows and
>>>> Upload it on YouTube.
>>>> 4. Write any script and add it to run automatically on startup. You can
>>>> write this script to accomplish any task.
>>>> 5. Do a survey in your locality with at least 50 people about the OS
>>>> they like and why. This info can be shared with Ubuntu OS Development Team
>>>> to make it better.
>>>> Manish Bisht
>>>> Email : hi at manishbisht.me
>>>> Website : https://manishbisht.me
>>>> On Tue, Nov 1, 2016 at 7:18 PM, Diego Turcios <diegoturciostc at gmail.com
>>>> > wrote:
>>>> Hi community
>>>> Some days ago, Nicholas Skaggs wrote about GCI 2016. We're trying to be
>>>> part of this program this year again. If you have any task in mind please
>>>> let us know so we can added to our application.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Diego
>>>> --
>>>> Diego Turcios
>>>> DiegoTc
>>>> Ubuntu User  # 27518
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>> --
>> Diego Turcios
>> DiegoTc
>> Ubuntu User  # 27518
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>> Recuerden Dios siempre esta presente

Diego Turcios
Ubuntu User  # 27518
Recuerden Dios siempre esta presente
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