GCI Wrap-up

Nicholas Skaggs nicholas.skaggs at canonical.com
Wed Feb 10 21:29:16 UTC 2016

As you may have already heard, Google announced the winnersfor GCI 2015, 
including those from ubuntu. Overall, we had a total of 215 students 
finish more than 500 tasks for ubuntu! The students made contributions 
to documentation, created wallpapers and other art, fixed Unity 7 
issues, hacked on the core apps for the phone, performed tests, wrote 
automated and manual tests, and worked on tools like the qatracker. I'd 
like to personally thank all the mentors and studentsfor a job well done!

Here's our winners!

  * Daniyaal Rasheed
  * Matthew Allen

And our Finalists

  * Evan McIntire
  * Girish Rawat
  * Malena Vasquez Currie

Everyone in the top ten did excellent work, and it was very hard to 
decide on five finalists, and even harder to choose only two to win. In 
recognition of their accomplishments, I'm sharing the entire top ten list:

Girish Rawat
Alex Dueppen
Hunter Jarrell

Well done to all of you!

The finalists will receive some goodies from Google including a t-shirt, 
certificate and hoodie. In addition, the two winners will receive a trip 
to Google HQ this June as part of the prize. I hope we get a writeup of 
the trip (hint,hint!)!

Thanks again everyone for their hard work!


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