Creating new task

Gaurav Shukla gshukla66 at
Sun Dec 6 12:59:19 UTC 2015

Hi Alberto,

I'll try to defend my point and express my views, the views might seem too
radical and off the topic but are based and formulated on my first hand
experience so I request you to read on.

I believe one of the reason that ubuntu is not the first choice for age
group 13-17 is that it lacks eye candy, installing the 3d effects and all
other fancy things is not so easy in ubuntu unlike windows.

And targeting the younger people is important because they don't usually
have deadlines to meat, they don't have any special preference or liking to
any OS or Desktop environment, while once they grow up they have less time
to learn whole new OS and are more focused on getting things done.

I was a windows user for 7 years and have been using Ubnutu full time for
past 3 years and from my own experience I can tell how frustrating it was
to get things done and fixing issues because of no prior experience in
Linux, I was able to bear all that because I had support from other users
in my college.

But unfortunately everyone is not lucky enough to have such support group
and perseverance to change later on. So the point I am trying to make here
is users at an early age need eye candy to be lured into using an unknown
OS and are only able to experience the true power of linux once they have

Now, that Internet has penetrated enough in the Countries Like India (My
Country), people need to be aware of the alternatives, alternatives to the
pirated versions of Paid softwares or pirated copies of windows. In India
the younger generation drives the technology market, younger ones are the
people that make things hit or flop.

So we need to target them and to target them we need to have some eye
candy, the Desktop Effects package has little to no productivity boost for
on experienced user but is incentive big enough to at least try and use

On Sun, Dec 6, 2015 at 5:19 PM, Alberto Salvia Novella <
es20490446e at> wrote:

> Gaurav Shukla:
>> I want an outreach task to be spread over 2 weeks but the form allows a
>> maximum time of 7 days
> Remember that the goal is to showcase some teenagers how real life looks
> like, rather than them working for us. So for that it is more important
> task to be diverse and short.
> Gaurav Shukla:
> > Should I add a task to list out steps for installing Desktop Effects
> > or a task to update the documentation to point to the newer alternate
> > package?
> Would be installing "Desktop Effects" useful?

Regards !
Gaurav Shukla
Phone: +91-837-584-7862
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