Google Summer of Code 2010

Iain Macdonald xiainx at
Wed Mar 24 02:16:09 GMT 2010

Hello everyone,

I'm a third year Software Engineering student at McGill University. I've
been using Ubuntu for a while and have wanted to do some work on the
project, so when I saw that Ubuntu was accepted for Google Summer of Code
2010, I was pretty excited. After looking over the ideas, I came across a
few that caught my eye, and I have a few questions.

System Restore and Backup Utility: This feature is really cool, and would
make a great addition to the OS. My understanding is that it could be a
lightweight application that is run to quickly make a backup point, and
restore the system in the event of a problem. What skills are required to
work on this project? Would this be a different software addition to Ubuntu,
or would it be embedded into the OS? What is the current state of this
project? A possible extension would be to integrate into the boot stages for
recovery from big mistakes. Any more information would be really helpful.

Home User Backup Spec: I actually wrote my own backup code as a small
independent project. It was little more than a script, but it was really
interesting, and likewise this project also interests me. Is there something
in place already? It says on the ideas page that deja-dup could become the
default backup utility in GNOME, would that mean that this project
disappears, or just changes in some way? Are there any ideas for
implementing this currently? I would love to learn some more about this

I'm very excited about these projects and look forward to hearing some

Iain Macdonald
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