GSoC Proposal: Ubuntu One for Android

Michał Karnicki mkarnicki at
Tue Apr 6 23:31:11 BST 2010

Hi all!

I've been following both mailing lists and decided it's high time I
introduced myself. My name is Michał Karnicki [0], I study Computer Science
at Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology, Warsaw, Poland. I'd
like to announce my proposal and hopefully get some feedback :)

Ubuntu One, for those of you who don't know, is [1] . As you might have
heard, just recently Canonical together with Funambol and Ubuntu One dev
team have announced public alpha of contacts mobile phone sync [2] . I, on
the other hand, would like to announce ;) that my proposal is to bring file
sync to Android platform.

Cloud storage is quite competitive area, and whole contributing community
(especially the devs) want to bring all the best features into Ubuntu One.
Quite many of us (that I know from forum posts/irc chats/etc) would like to
access U1 storage with a smartphone. I'd like to make my share, and
introduce U1 file sync to Android. Before you jump into conclusions such as
"sync'ing >=2GB with a phone is ridiculous" please have a look at my
proposal ;) [3] and don't hesitate to visit feature specs [4] also.

I'll be waiting for any comments, you can mail me back or leave a
comment/idea on the wiki! :)

Have a lovely evening/night/day!

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