<html><head><style type="text/css"><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></head><body><div style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:10pt"><div style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;">Hi,<br><br>Why would you want to charge a fee for installation? If we want people to use Ubuntu, then it should be free. Even at the cost of our sweat and time. Ubuntu is about sharing and humanity towards others. I don't think the idea of charging a fee is good.<br><br>Team Ubuntu Singapore is a community. We are here to share our experiences with others. We are a non-profit community.<br><br>In my opinion, the only way to reach to the masses is to provide something for free, no obligation. And besides, its Software Freedom Day, it should be FREE! There is an install-fest going on in the event, with a lot of distributions available. If we start charging, would people be interested with Ubuntu?<br><br>Heidir<br><br><div
style="font-family: times new roman,new york,times,serif; font-size: 12pt;">----- Original Message ----<br>From: K Sitt <k@sitt.com.sg><br>To: Team Ubuntu Singapore Mailing List <ubuntu-sg@lists.ubuntu.com><br>Sent: Monday, 8 September 2008 07:58:01<br>Subject: [Ubuntu-SG] Software Freedom Day - Ubuntu Installation Service?<br><br><div dir="ltr">Hi All,<br><br>I have been toying about the idea of providing Ubuntu installation service on the SFD.<br><br>My idea is like this. We can charge nominal fees for each install on the laptop (say $5 per install).<br>
The point is to make people see the switch to Ubuntu as less risky. For that we may need to provide some back up media (DVD-R) to back up their data before the install attempt.<br><br>That way we have different advantages.<br>
<br>1). More people has a chance to try Ubuntu,<br>2). We can raise some fund to recover the cost.<br><br>There will be a few things needed.<br>1). DVD-R media<br>2). DVD Writer. (most lap-tops have them but for those who doesn't its more convenient)<br>
3). Ubuntu CD or DVD (which I believe, we have already got)<br>4). Volunteers to provide service.<br><br><br>Well, just my may be 1c..<br><br>Regards<br>K<br><br><br><br></div>
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