[Ubuntu-SG] Plans for 2011

C David Rigby c.david.rigby at gmail.com
Thu Feb 17 16:46:49 UTC 2011

On 02/17/2011 11:37 AM, Ho Yi Hao Pipat wrote:
> Hmm,
> I am okay with either option as long as we start doing something for the
> LoCo team.
> But don't we already have a domain?

Yes, it is ubuntu.sg, and Billy AM is the registered owner. Last I spoke 
to him, he was happy for us to use it however benefits the group. Where 
things stalled was that we did not have a firm plan for where to host a 
site, how to pay for it, etc. We had some offers, but it was contingent 
on our being able to get the site up and running. Since I was busy w/ 
FOSA & Software Freedom Day (Singapore) at the time, and my departure to 
the US was imminent, that was as far as we got.

I've got to run off to deal with an afternoon fool of wetware 
interfacing, but I'll track the conversation on my phone. Let's keep it 
going and see what we can do!


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