[Ubuntu-SG] Requesting help on Open Source research

Ganesh Bhat ganesh.gapr10 at spjain.org
Tue Feb 8 16:31:11 UTC 2011


I am Ganesh Bhat, student of S P Jain Center of Management, Singapore and currently pursuing my Global MBA in IT Management.

As part of the course I am doing a research on "State of Open Source" in Singapore Government, Educational Institute and NGO's.

It would be great if you could please share information on the usage of Open Source Software that are being used in Singapore Government, Educational Institute and NGO's.

Please note that this is being done only for academic purposes.

I request you to please help/provide data/information/links on the Open Source initiatives in Singapore.

Awaiting your reply.

Thanks & Regards,

Ganesh Bhat,
Global MBA - IT Management,
S P Jain Center Of Management
Email : ganesh.gapr10 at spjain.org

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