[Ubuntu-SG] Update on the ubuntu.sg website, and thoughts on TUSG

C David Rigby c.david.rigby at gmail.com
Wed May 26 07:23:34 UTC 2010

Hello All,

I exchanged emails with Billy AM earlier in the week. He is in Myanmar 
currently, but he will be back next week. He said that he is happy to 
update the DNS to point ubuntu.sg at whatever hosting account or other 
solution that we settle on.

We've discussed the web site a lot, and some of our past meetings have 
discussed our organization (or lack there of) quite a bit. Before we 
launch off pell-mell into another exercise in web site building, can we 
agree on the answer to the question: what do we want our organization to be?

If we are just going to be an informal meet & chat group, I don't see 
much need to put a lot of effort into a web site. This mailing list, our 
wiki page at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SingaporeTeam and 
Facebook/Twitter/SocNet-of-the-Month are more than sufficient.

If we want to be more, what "more" do we want to be? What are the goals 
of the group? We had an answer to that once, but then we all drifted 
apart and went off to do other things.

Sorry if this seems to be opening the same old can of worms again. I'm 
happy to be a member of and support Team Ubuntu Singapore, but I want to 
be efficient in my efforts. I do not have a clear definition in my mind 
of what the group is or wants to be. So I think we need to have that 
discussion first.


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