[Ubuntu-SG] AutoCAD files viewer

Ho Yi Hao Pipat yihao.ho at gmail.com
Wed Jun 16 02:54:47 UTC 2010

Hi Suhaw, 

Perhaps you can get your friend to try Linuxcad if he have not done so? Seem to read DWG file. [Sorry, I only use Pro-engineer] So

Link: http://www.linux.ie/newusers/alternatives.php

Hope this helps!

With Regards,
Yi Hao

yihao.ho at gmail.com
yihao at statick.sg

From: suhaw koh 
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 8:26 AM
To: Team Ubuntu Singapore Mailing List 
Subject: [Ubuntu-SG] AutoCAD files viewer

Hi All,

Got a friend who is looking to view AutoCAD files on his Ubuntu laptop.  Has anybody here tried such apps ?

I did a cursory Google search and found LX-Viewer at:

Does anybody know if the above apps read the latest 2010 version of DWG files or if there is another app that does ?

Thanks in advance.

Koh Su Haw  许树浩


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