[Ubuntu-SG] Running server

Chow Loong Jin hyperair at gmail.com
Sat Jun 12 04:39:58 UTC 2010

On Sat, 12 Jun 2010 10:11:08 +0800
"Ho Yi Hao Pipat" <yihao.ho at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi guys, 
> Been trying the whole night to boot the computer into installing a
> linux os so that I can work on it. But it seems it can't install
> Kubuntu, unable to boot Xubuntu. 
> I am running out of ideas. This computer is currently running windows
> xp and I am surprised that it is still running well on this old
> machine. 

I think you should probably go for the alternate install CDs. The
LiveCDs require quite a bit of memory to run, as they have to unpack
compressed contents into the memory for the live system to run. If I
recall correctly, it needed 256M of memory at least, which you don't
have. Hence, it won't boot. The alternate install CD can make do with
much less.

Kind regards,
Chow Loong Jin
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