[Ubuntu-SG] FOSA - Software Freedom Day Singapore 2010 Meeting Summary

Chow Loong Jin hyperair at ubuntu.com
Mon Jun 7 07:08:06 UTC 2010

On Mon, 07 Jun 2010 14:34:09 +0800
C David Rigby <c.david.rigby at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Monday 07,June,2010 02:26 PM, Billy AM wrote:
> > we stick to wiki till SFD .. its just that I feel we shouldn't have a >
> > site offline message for ubuntu.sg <http://ubuntu.sg>.
> >
> Billy has a good point - it looks bad. However, lacking access to the server,
> I cannot set up a http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL_redirection and I do not
> think DNS will handle what we want to do, which is redirect to
> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SingaporeTeam from http://ubuntu.sg.
> Without going into details, the cleanest option is a new hosting account.
> That's not the least expensive option, so I am considering other
> possibilities.

Why isn't something like
possible? Currently it serves out a html page, doesn't it? Don't you have
control over the html page?

Kind regards,
Chow Loong Jin
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