[Ubuntu-SG] Forked: Facebook groups & pages

Ho Yi Hao Pipat yihao.ho at gmail.com
Tue Jun 1 13:41:58 UTC 2010

I don't mind admin-ing both. Since I do have quite abit of time on my hand to do other stuff as well. 

With Regards,
Yi Hao

yihao.ho at gmail.com
yihao at statick.sg

From: C David Rigby 
Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 5:48 PM
To: ubuntu-sg at lists.ubuntu.com 
Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-SG] Forked: Facebook groups & pages

On Tuesday 01,June,2010 05:24 PM, Ho Yi Hao Pipat wrote: 
  Hmm, how about making this whole thing easier? 

  I volunteer to handle Ubuntu.sg online stuff~

  So everything online shall handle? 

  Any comments or idea?
  With regards,
  Yi Hao

OK by me to give this a try, if you have the time. The actual ubuntu.sg domain name belongs to BillyAM, and I hope to get together with him soon. He has to sign off on anything we plan of course, but I think he will be willing. You want also to admin both FB page and group?

What are everyone's thoughts on this?


  +65 98574690
  yihao.ho at gmail.com
  yihao at statick.sg

  Store Admin,
  Singapore's Premier Entertainment site. 

  On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 5:12 PM, Chen Xiangpeng <xp at xp.sg> wrote:

    I've invited a few ubuntu using friends to join the group. I think our profile is way too low :P


    On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 17:02, Muhammad Heidir <md.heidir at gmail.com> wrote:

      On Tue, 2010-06-01 at 16:40 +0800, C David Rigby wrote:
      > [It's going to drive me nuts trying to read a thread that combines so
      > many different topics. So...]
      > Heidir wrote:
      > In fact I just checked, there are 3 Facebook pages.
      > Original:
      > http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=31239604821&ref=search&sid=ohR01mwbQ5ULp5SMN4Qcyg.3125030145..1
      > Fork:
      > http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ubuntu-Singapore/323876166376?ref=search&sid=ohR01mwbQ5ULp5SMN4Qcyg.3125030145..1
      > Fork:
      > http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=293160606769&ref=search&sid=ohR01mwbQ5ULp5SMN4Qcyg.3125030145..1
      > XP wrote:
      > http://www.allfacebook.com/2010/02/facebook-groups-pages/
      > My $0.02:
      > Let's ask the 2nd fork, Team Ubuntu Singapore (TUSG) to join "us". We
      > can make the name of our single, combined group "Team Ubuntu Singapore
      > (TUSG)" which contains both our name and the commonly used acronym.
      > The 1st fork, the business, is a leech. Doesn't seem like it is very
      > successful. Like all leeches, it'll drop off once it is sated or it
      > risks starving. I'm not inclined to pay it any further attention.
      > As far as page vs. group: why not both, indeed? We take on the
      > responsibility of maintaining both, but I see no reason not to do so.
      > Our group admins are myself, Heidir, Chew and John Thng. Heidir, seems
      > like we are the two active folks there. I'm OK to commit some more time
      > to the group. How are you set for such?
      > Yi Hao has volunteered to create the page. I suggest:
      > 1. Use the name Team Ubuntu Singapore (TUSG)
      > 2. Grab content from the group, link to it if feasible (note m lack of
      > deep knowledge of FB tech here)
      > 3. Recruit yourself an administrative assistant so that you have a back
      > up if needed.
      > For both group and page: we (I) should learn better the available
      > applications we can add to the group and the page. If we are going to
      > commit to maintaining these resources, we owe it to ourselves to
      > leverage them as much as possible.
      > Thoughts?

      Just a reminder, not to get our resources spread too thinly.

      We can use Facebook group as a place to discuss besides the Mailing
      And the fan page as tool for us to spread and let the rest know that WE
      DO EXIST!

      I've talked to a few people whom I met at Hackerspace after the
      Ubuntu/SLMG meeting, one of them told me that he knows a lot of local
      startups using Ubuntu mainly as their workstation, but he have not heard
      about the existence of our group. How sad is that?

      We are the so-called "official" team representing Ubuntu in Singapore,
      yet we are still "unheard" of.

      We need to make a statement of some sort. If we can do it in Facebook,
      let it be done!

      Muhammad Heidir

      Launchpad: ~heidir
      Team Ubuntu Singapore


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