[Ubuntu-SG] Forked: Facebook groups & pages

C David Rigby c.david.rigby at gmail.com
Tue Jun 1 08:40:48 UTC 2010

[It's going to drive me nuts trying to read a thread that combines so 
many different topics. So...]

Heidir wrote:

In fact I just checked, there are 3 Facebook pages.



XP wrote:


My $0.02:

Let's ask the 2nd fork, Team Ubuntu Singapore (TUSG) to join "us". We 
can make the name of our single, combined group "Team Ubuntu Singapore 
(TUSG)" which contains both our name and the commonly used acronym.

The 1st fork, the business, is a leech. Doesn't seem like it is very 
successful. Like all leeches, it'll drop off once it is sated or it 
risks starving. I'm not inclined to pay it any further attention.

As far as page vs. group: why not both, indeed? We take on the 
responsibility of maintaining both, but I see no reason not to do so. 
Our group admins are myself, Heidir, Chew and John Thng. Heidir, seems 
like we are the two active folks there. I'm OK to commit some more time 
to the group. How are you set for such?

Yi Hao has volunteered to create the page. I suggest:

1. Use the name Team Ubuntu Singapore (TUSG)
2. Grab content from the group, link to it if feasible (note m lack of 
deep knowledge of FB tech here)
3. Recruit yourself an administrative assistant so that you have a back 
up if needed.

For both group and page: we (I) should learn better the available 
applications we can add to the group and the page. If we are going to 
commit to maintaining these resources, we owe it to ourselves to 
leverage them as much as possible.


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